Summer School 講師介紹

Tyler Nighswander

PPP / Security Researcher

Tyler started playing CTFs when PPP was formed at CMU in 2009. He was the captain from 2011-2013 and led the team to their first victory at Defcon. In the past 6 years he has played in over 100 CTFs and learned a whole lot. After I graduated from CMU with degrees in Physics and Computer Science, after a brief stint as a PhD student in Quantum Computing Tyler returned to security, working on the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge with David Brumley's company, where he now works full time.

Erye Hernandez

PPP / Malware Researcher、Reverse Engineer

I graduated from CMU in 2014 with a MS in Information Security. I currently work as a Malware Researcher/Reverse Engineer for FireEye and I've been with PPP since 2012. I have played with PPP in various CTFs including Ghost in the Shellcode, RuCTF, Hack.lu, PHDays, and DEFCON (2015). During my studies at CMU, I also spent some time teaching middle/high school kids about various security topics.

李倫銓 (Alan Lee)

聯發科技 / Techical Manager、HITCON 戰隊領隊

專長:網路安全技術,HITCON CTF領隊與競賽負責人。

翁浩正 (Allen Own)

戴夫寇爾 / 執行長、HITCON 社群總召

戴夫寇爾 DEVCORE 執行長,台灣駭客年會 HITCON CMT 總召。專長駭客手法分析、滲透測試、資安專業訓練。


台灣大學 / HITCON

Team 217 隊長,主要參與線上 CTF 競賽,隨 HITCON 參加 DEFCON CTF 22。


Verint / 台灣威瑞特 總經理

2003年交大資科碩士畢業,2008年台大電機博士畢業。 2011年與Jeremy共創艾斯酷博科技(Xecure Lab),同年於美國 DEFCON發表惡意程式家族分類分群研究,2013年在美國 Blackhat發表Lstudio網軍後台大揭密。 2014年獲美國上市的以色列商Verint併購,持續帶領台灣30人團隊研發開創性資安產品。

黃瓊瑩 (Huang, C.Y.)

安碁資訊(eDC) / 資安維運處處長


孫明功 (Sun, Morgan)

安碁資訊(eDC) / 經理

專長與經歷:密碼學、資訊安全、SIEM / SOC 建置與顧問服務,曾任職成功大學資訊安全與密碼學實驗室,累計超過4年資安實務經驗。

蔡東霖 (Tsai, Tony)

安碁資訊(eDC) / 經理


陳威安 (Chen, Wayne)

安碁資訊(eDC) / 技術主任

經歷:WEB滲透測試項目、HP ArcSight 前端 connector 建置工作,曾任職成功大學資訊安全與密碼學實驗室,累計超過7年資訊安全、程式開發與滲透測試經驗。

Aaron Luo

趨勢科技 / RD

在HITCON, SYSCAN360等資安研討會,發表過一些由reversing而衍生的主題。


技服 / 組長

國立成功大學電機工程學系博士,專長主要在於滲透測試、密碼學、資訊安全等,現任國家資通安全會報 技術服務中心 檢測與評鑑組組長,透過技術檢測方式,嘗試機關內外部各種可能的入侵管道,驗證政府機關資安防護之有效性。


交通大學資訊技術服務中心 / 教授

Shih-Kun Huang received his B.S. (1989), M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1996) in Computer Science and Information Engineering from the National Chiao Tung University, and was an assistant research fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica between 1996 and 2004. Currently he is the deputy director of Information Technology Service Center, and a Professor of Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University. Dr. Huang's research integrates software engineering, and programming languages to study cyber security and software attacks. He is the Principal Investigator of the NSC project on Exploitable Software Crash (CRAX and CRAXweb).


中研院 / 研究員

陳昇瑋博士目前為中央研究院資訊科學研究所研究員,同時是多媒體網路與系統實驗室主持人。他的研究焦點著重在使用者滿意度、多媒體系統、社群計算及計算社會學等領域,在多媒體系統及使用者經驗的量測及管理方面持續有代表性的研究創見。陳博士堅信資料及資料分析的價值,長期推廣資料科學及其在各領域的應用,除本身研究皆基於資料來解決實際生活中的問題,2014 年開始主辦「台灣資料科學愛好者年會」,期能將對於資料科學的熱情傳達給大眾,一起來探索資料科學的潛力,將資料科學引入每個人的專業領域之中。他十分期待能夠讓資料分析在台灣不再是口號,而是大家手邊隨時可用來解決問題及創造價值的工具。 欲瞭解陳博士的研究及心得分享,請至他的個人網頁一探究竟。


海洋大學 / 副教授

Dr. Chun-Ying Huang received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Department from National Taiwan University in 2007. Since then he took the one-year compulsory military service as a second lieutenant. He joined the Computer Science and Engineering Department at National Taiwan Ocean University in August 2008 and is an Associate Professor since 2013. Dr. Huang's researches focus on various topics in system security and multimedia networking areas, including traffic measurement and analysis, botnet detection, mobile application security, and multimedia systems. Dr. Huang is a recipient of the K. T. Li Young Researcher Award (2014). He is a member of ACM, CCISA, IEEE, and IICM.


台灣大學 / 助理教授

Dr. Hsiao completed her B.S. (2006) and M.S. (2008) in Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University (2014). Her research interests include network security, anonymity and privacy, and applied cryptography.

Fyodor Yarochkin

中研院 varmour / threat researcher

interest in defensive technologies. ex-snort dev, happy programmer.