2016 AIS3 講師介紹
Asuka Nakajima
NTT Secure Platform Laboratories/SECCON/CTF for GIRLS  Researcher
Asuka Nakajima
NTT Secure Platform Laboratories/SECCON/CTF for GIRLS
Asuka Nakajima is a researcher at NTT Secure Platform Laboratories. She studied at the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University. Her research interests include reverse engineering and vulnerability discovery. She is a member of the executive committee of SECCON, the organizer of largest CTF in Japan. She is also a founder of CTF for GIRLS, the first security community for woman in Japan.
Nikolay Elenkov
LINE Corporation  Security Engineer
Nikolay Elenkov
LINE Corporation
Security Engineer
Nikolay Elenkov has been working on enterprise security projects for the past 10 years. He has developed security software on various platforms, ranging from smart cards and HSMs to Windows and Linux servers. He became interested in Android shortly after Android’s initial public release and is the author of Android Security Internals. He currently works at LINE’s Application Security department.
Nikolay Akatyev
Horangi  VP of Engineering
Nikolay Akatyev
VP of Engineering
Nikolay’s professional background in SW development spans over 10 years, 5 of which were with LG Electronics in South Korea. 1. Heavily devoted to cyber security research. 2. Published a Cyber Peacekeeping research doctrine. 3. Leader of the Seoul Tech Society, a community of tech enthusiasts in Korea and beyond, which discovers and promotes thriving technologies. 4. Mentoring at a “Best of the Best” security education program in South Korea where he taught mobile forensic and advised on two projects: (1) IoT (Internet of Things) risk/vulnerability assessment (2) Automation of intelligence in cyber underground
KyoungGon(KG) Kim
Deloitte  Senior Manager
KyoungGon(KG) Kim
Senior Manager
Over 13 years of information security professional experience. Deloitte Korea Cyber Risk Services, Senior Manager KITRI BoB, Consulting Track mentor. Attended as a Korean hacking team (Song of Freedom) in DEFCON 15 (2007) Wrote an internet security and hacking book. It's a focus on web security and hacking. Former chairman at the best hacker group in Korea (Null@Root)
羅健誠 (Alan Luo)
Gorilla Technology Inc.  Vice President
羅健誠 (Alan Luo)
Gorilla Technology Inc.
Vice President
主要負責網路偵查與影像監控相關產品開發, 對 Big Data, Cloud, 與 IoT 也有一點涉獵.
Aaron Luo
Trend Micro 全球核心技術部門  Security Expert
Aaron Luo
Trend Micro 全球核心技術部門
Security Expert
自 2005 年開始研究資安,在 DEFCON, HITCON, SYSCAN360 等 conference 發表過一些資安議題。
翁浩正 Allen Own
戴夫寇爾  執行長
翁浩正 Allen Own
戴夫寇爾 DEVCORE 執行長,台灣駭客年會 HITCON CMT 總召。專長駭客手法分析、滲透測試、資安專業訓練。
吳哲仰 (Sean)
吳哲仰 (Sean)
前 217 隊長,主要參與線上 CTF 競賽,並隨 HITCON 參加 DEFCON CTF,專長為漏洞利用。
交通大學/HITCON  BambooFox 領隊/HITCON CTF 隊員
BambooFox 領隊/HITCON CTF 隊員
講師為 BambooFox CTF 團隊領隊,多次參與國內外 CTF 競賽,亦隨 HITCON CTF 戰隊參與 DEFCON CTF。研究領域專注於惡意程式分析、Sandbox 以及軟體漏洞等項目,並多次於國內外資安會議發表研究。
交通大學  教授
Shih-Kun Huang received his B.S. (1989), M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1996) in Computer Science and Information Engineering from the National Chiao Tung University, and was an assistant research fellow at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica between 1996 and 2004. Currently he is the deputy director of Information Technology Service Center, and a Professor of Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University. Dr. Huang's research integrates software engineering, and programming languages to study cyber security and software attacks. He is the Principal Investigator of the MOST project on Exploitable Software Crash (CRAX and CRAXweb).
崑山科技大學  資工系暨數位生活科技研究所副教授/雲端大數據分析暨資通安全研發中心主任
榮獲100年度教育部臺灣網際網路傑出貢獻人員獎(2011 年10月)
主持多項大型資安研發專案: [1]2009/02~2015/04:教育部AISAC學術資安資訊分享與分析中心研發暨協同聯合防禦縣市網miniSOC建置專案 [2]2006/05~2009/04:(資策會)國家資通安全技術服務與防護管理SOC平台核心技術研發專案計畫 [3]2003~2005: 6IDS—IPv6-enabled Intrusion Detection System研發專案 (通過IPv6 Phase-2 ready logo國際認證) Logo ID :02-C-000190 參考
(1)資安攻防技術(WebSecurity, MobileSecurity, IOTSecurity)
(2)雲端大數據分析(Spark/Hadoop, SMACK, ELK , Python, R)
academia sinica/varmour networks  threat researcher
academia sinica/varmour networks
threat researcher
interest in defensive technologies. ex-snort dev, happy programmer