逢甲大學資工系 助理教授
中華電信/中華資安國際 專員
興趣使然的資安研究人員,主要研究領域為網站安全與網路系統安全,最近在前往 IoT 與 ICS 研究的路上
聯發科技 經理
- 專長網路安全技術
- HITCON CTF領隊與競賽負責人
- 交通大學資工所
- BFS戰隊
IBM Watson Research Center
Chief Scientist, RPI-IBM AI Research Center
Pin-Yu Chen is a Research Staff Member of the Trusted AI Group & MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. He is also the chief scientist of the RPI-IBM AI Research Center. His recent research focus has been on adversarial machine learning and studying the robustness of neural networks. His research interest includes graph learning, network data analytics and their applications to data mining, machine learning, signal processing, and cyber security. More details about his research portfolio can be found at www.pinyuchen.com
資策會 網駭科技研析中心 副主任
- 資策會 資安科技研究所 網駭科技研析中心 副主任
- 資策會 資安科技研究所 智慧技術中心 組長
- 中華電信數據分公司資安處 資安分析工程師
- 行政院國家資通安全會報技術服務中心 終端資訊科長
- 主責執行7個資安相關專案
中央研究院 博士後
臺大電機系 助理教授
Jiun-Peng Chen was born in Tainan, Taiwan. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and communication engineering from National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, in 2007 and 2013, respectively. Since 2014, he has been a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taipei. His current research interests include Side-Channel and Fault-Injection analysis on cryptographic hardware device.
Ty Lee
Verizon Media
Head of Security Engineering @ Verzion Media/Dir, Software Dev Engineering
Ty is a seasoned software development professional with multi-decades of industrial experience. He is based in silicon valley and has worked for many bay area companies including SpectraPhysics, KLA Corp, Novell, Netscape, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Yahoo, …, etc.
Cycarrier 奧義智慧科技/CHROOT
Senior Security Researcher
Chung-Kuan Chen is currently a senior researcher in Cycarrier. His research focuses on network attack and defense, machine learning, software vulnerability, malware and program analysis. He earned his PHD degree of Computer Science and Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU). He also dedicates to security education. Founding of NCTU hacker research clubs, he trains students to participate world-class security contests, and has experience of participating DEFCON CTF. Besides, he has presented technical presentations in non-academic technique conferences, such as HITCON and VXCON. As an active member in Taiwan security community, he is in the review committee of HITCON conference, and member of CHROOT - the top private hacker group in Taiwan. He organized BambooFox Team to join some bug bounty projects and discover CVEs in COTS software and several vulnerabilities in campus websites.
Ken Lee
Synology Inc. Head of Synology SIRT
Ken Lee is currently a manager at Synology, managing the Security Bug Bounty Program, Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), and Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to respond to all security incidents within the company.
Ryo Ichikawa
Founder and Captain of TokyoWesterns CTF Team
Ryo Ichikawa is in second year for master's in computer science at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. His research area is OS and VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) for security. He took a leadership role of TokyoWesterns in 2017 and contributed to the team to win in some CTFs. His speciality in CTF is web and forenics, his research area is about OS/VMM though. More details can be found here: https://icchy.tonkatsu.info/resume.pdf